Friday, December 29, 2006

second thought

I got this comment from Caroline and I was kind of shocked, so I wrote immediately my response. Later I realized that I got caught in the trap of a discussion about fundamental beliefs. These discussions always end in mere yes-no statements. History and current media show that only open disussion with ears for each other's arguments can yield fruits. My blog is called today's questions. What I try is to ask questions and I don't need ultimate answers, especially not referring to Satan and its empire. I consider this discussion as ended and I hope Caroline will one day realize that whatever you believe, you should be open to other people's beliefs which is possible without "letting them be right" and giving up your own "being right".


Anonymous said...

The world is not a debate club. Were the nazis debating you? Are your wonderful islamic immigrants debating you. Were they debating your filmmaker when they stabbed him to death? How about your politicians who have to run and hide in their own country? Is that debate?

Erik said...

Dear Caroline,

It seems as if my blog is turning into a discussion between only you and me. Anyway, I cannot get into my blog anymore for new postings. Well, I have had these questions you mention for a long time, but I concluded that answering violence with violence only feeds the violence on the other side. The Nazis were people like myself infected by evil, by the Satan if you like. Happily enough I wasn't, and could notice their horrors. Please watch the movie "Het Zwartboek" (not issued yet in the US but it certainly will) by Paul Verhoeven. There are desparate Muslims who make a distorted image of their religion by enlarging the violence components of it. The muslims are certainly not the Nazis, and most muslims simply want a job a house and a family. Pope Benedict prayed in an Islamic Mosque and was praised for that. Christianity has equal sins on its account as are ascribed to muslims nowadays. How do you think the USA have been conquered on the Indians, or weren't the slave keepers and traders Christians? We Dutchman also went to church every Sunday and on weekdays we exploited people in our colonies. I think closed-mindedness of people who are not open to debate such as fundamentalists cannot be responed to by adopting close-mindedness by oneself as well.