Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Do it yourself

People reading my comments about some modern art and architecture trends would say: if you know it that well, then try to make something by yourself! Well, I am proud to show one of my products, not pretending that I'm an artist. The problem is that I used to paint and draw more often in the past, as well as playing the guitar, but that work, reading, blogging, dog, family and other social business absorb too much energy and time. Do you recognize that? I'm convinced that this is a story for a simple excuse. This week I shall take charcoal, brush and paint to produce something artistic! Please do the same as I do, in your area of talent, music, poetry (I also write poems but unfortunately only in Dutch) ot whatever, and make room in your diaries.

I don't have any comments on this painting. It tries to tell something, but the message can be different for anybody.

1 comment:

Evie said...

I like your artwork. The color combination works very nicely; I find it soothing. I'm also intrigued by the perspective, but I'm still deciding what I think about it.

Thanks for the challenge to get creative. Today, I will take some photos that I've intended to do for some time now. If I'm lucky, I'll get something worth posting on my blog.