Thursday, February 01, 2007

The light is shining

8 years ago I made this poem, it has a relation to the previous posting although it's not about words or meaning. I got inspired to it by a fragment in Goethe's Faust where Mefisto, a devil, meets Faust and tells him that he is fighting matter because only by matter light is originated and spread around. So if he will succeed in destroying all matter, then light will also have vanished.

After the Dutch original an attempt to translation will be presented underneath. PLease post a comment if the translation can be improved because of possible language deficiencies. Although the Dutch version is in rhime, the English version isn't: English isn't my mother's language.

Het licht schijnt in de duisternis

Ik weet van mij, maar meer dan dat,
Meer ben ik, dan ik denk te weten,
Ik ben als jij een mens en ik bevat
Meer dan de schepping immer heeft bezeten.

Het Al heeft op zichzelf bevochten
De mens, die op zichzelve ziet
En op hetgeen waarmee hij is vervlochten:
De stof, die hem het licht en leven biedt.

Het licht heeft zich een plaats verworven
En heeft het leven aan de stof gegeven.
In duisternis zou 't zijn gestorven
Als 't niet door stof kon blijven leven.

Dat weten jij en ik als mens:
Ons is de stof gegeven om het licht,
Door onze zinnen, als haar lens,
Ziet de natuur haar eigen vergezicht.

Dat is wat ik, wat jij ook ziet:
Het licht blijft in het duister schijnen,
Gegrepen door het duister wordt het niet,
Maar doet het evenmin verdwijnen.

Wij kunnen niet slechts blijven schouwen,
Maar doen als zij, die door ons kijkt:
Een tempel als een kosmos bouwen
Waar 't licht langs donk're stenen strijkt.

Erik Tjallinks februari 1998

The light shines in the darkness

I am aware of you, and more than that,
I’m more than my awareness tells I am,
I am like you a man and I contain
More than creation ever has contained.

The All has conquered from itself
The man, who looks upon himself,
But also which he’s intertwined with:
Matter, giving light and life to him.

Light has conquered for itself a place,
And has given life to matter,
It would have passed away in darkness,
If through matter it couldn’t stay alive.

You and I know this, as we are men
To us is given matter just for light,
Through our senses, as her lens,
Nature sees her self-created sight.

This is what I, and what you also see:
The light keeps shining in the dark,
Seized by the dark it never will,
But neither causes it to disappear.

We can’t keep seeing just like this,
Let’s act like her, who sees through us,
And build a temple like a universe,
Where stones, though dark, are stroked by light.

Erik TjallinksFebruary 1998


Evie said...

Erik - As you've noted, many of my family members use their blogs to share family news and keep in touch with each other. Right now, we're spread across the USA, Canada and Korea. In the past we've been spread across Canada, the USA and the Caribbean. Some of our family members also have spent time in Europe and Africa. Blogging is a fun way to keep connected.

Having said that, I don't want you to get the idea that our blogs are for family members only. One of the wonderful things about blogging is the opportunity it provides for connecting with people around the world. Your visits and participation are welcome and greatly appreciated. Please feel free to drop by and leave your comments any time.

I'm sorry I don't have time to read and comment on your recent posts right now, as it is quite late here. I will come back in the next day or so and read them carefully, as I usually find them thought-provoking and insightful. Therefore, they deserve thoughtful comments.

Erik said...

Thank you Evie for your explanation. Internet communication has brought me into troubles one or two times so I am a bit (maybe, too) careful, hence my apologising remarks. I understand very well that people also have other business to do than Internet, which is a hobby in my eyes, I also don't have time every day. But some bloggers seem to do it full time, I'm jealous.

In the meantime I changed "content" in my poem into "contain", which was the appropriate word. Hope you appreciate it.