Saturday, February 17, 2007

Fair enough!

A Roman-Catholic pastor, a protestant clergyman and a rabbi are travelling together on their way to an oecumenical conference. Their conversation is about the way they distribute the money collected during services for God and for their own living.

Says the pastor: when the mass is over, I go home to my fair-distribution room. There is a circle on the floor. I go and stand in the middle of the circle, and I throw the money straight upwards. The money that fell down within the circle, is for me and the money outside the circle is for God.

Says the clergyman: what a coincidence, I do it the same way, only I haven’t a circle, but a straight line dividing the room in two. I stand on the line and what comes down left of it, is for me and what comes down right of it, is for God.

Says the rabbi: I see my faith is much stronger than yours. I also do it the same way, but I have no circle nor line. I simply throw up the money, God takes His share while it’s up there, and what comes down is for me.

1 comment:

Evie said...

Great joke!