Sunday, February 11, 2007


The apple pie I baked for Janine and which has now almost vanished. Happy birthday, Janine! Of course the figure it shows has nothing to do with her age, we always use it when something pleasant has to be celebrated because it's 9 times 5. 9 is the number of perfection and 5 is the number of balanced relations (the pentagram, the golden section). And, 4 + 5 = 9.


Chris said...

You used both "nine" and "5" and, my friend, it is driving me mad.

Erik said...

Thank you for commenting. I made two corrections in the post: first, I changed "nine" into "9", and second, I changed "completion" into "perfection", because 7 is the number of completion (the 7 dwarfs, the 7 plagues, the 7 sons of Abraham, etc). So perfection combined with the right balance, makes the ideal situation.

Evie said...

I assume the pie tasted as good as it looks.

Erik said...

Evie, thanks for the compliment. I use to add pieces of apricot: it tastes good and looks nice as well.

petertje said...

nine and 5 are mentioned.It seems they are important and betekenisvol. Apart from descriptionbuzz, what about "4"? Like "What about Bob?"
Is the meaning of "vier" nur ein kleines und ekelhaftes Nümmerchen to reach the "9"?
Oder has it a betekenis of its self? Atherwais I think it not copletely honest towards the cute little "4". TOCH?..............
Besides of that my complimenten for the tastefull looking Apfelkuchen. (Pennsilvanian style)and of course congratulaties en jubilaties towards Janine.

Erik said...

Dear Peterchen,
Thank you sehr pour le remarque du made. Inderdeed, I humiliated the number 4. Wenn wir heer Doktor Jung zitieren dürfen, the number 4 is also called "quaternität" und ist also ein Archtyp which forecomes in all maatschappijen et cultures, as the symbol of the Universe.

Nochmal muchas gracias, mox visitabo vos laetificans a priori bonis bonis excellentibus tuis.

Quod erat demonstrandum, dass ist in der Tatsache ein wirklich interessantes Phänomen, wass ich dir brumme!