Sunday, March 11, 2007

Menno's talents

Menno is curious about my blogging. I explained that it is a kind of diary on which you put little stories and fotos about things you are interested in, and that other people who also blog can put remarks with. He asked to put something on my blog and here it is: a nice drawing of somebody who is very angry and shouts to his little friend (?) to go away (ga weg!). He already gave him a blow on his chest that has been bandaged. His friend (?) wonders why the other is so angry, he doesn't know and doesn't respond to it with anger, which makes his friend (?) the more furious. I don't know what deep psychological motions made Menno draw these two puppets, it must be something that has to do with his life stage (9 years): many new things to get angry about, but you don't know why. Thank you, Menno for this blog contribution.

1 comment:

Evie said...

At least Menno is honest about his feelings.